Artist Bio

Once I was able to keep a few plants alive a few years ago,
they taught me so much about my own life as well as being in
harmony with nature. It was around that time that I started
painting with a sense of purpose – colorful reflections of
what I sense in nature. Painting and crafting art installations
has become my own language for interaction with my
environment – the ultimate living sculpture. Each color
possesses its own visual resonance, enhanced in chorus
by others around it. My works tend to exist as a moment
of true organic expression – a mark suspended in space,
frozen in time.

Stephanie’s studio resides in Conifer, Colorado where
continual exchange with nature informs and inspires her
lifestyle and art – curiosity and adventure around every
corner. She has over a decade of experience working in the
built environment and enjoys collaborating with other
creatives on the intention of a space.